When my son was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes almost five years ago, our family was already taking steps toward healthier eating. Perhaps it was watching Supersize Me that gave us the initial jolt, motivating us to begin making changes, or maybe we had experienced that sensitization that people experience when they become parents where they want to raise their children in the healthiest environment possible. For us, that didn't just mean our kids' external environment, but, like a lot of people, we began to examine our choices in light of what a lifetime of eating ultimately translates into. While we don't subscribe to the contradictory practice of worrying about everything that goes into our mouths (let me clarify, because I am overly aware of my grammar these days, that we each have only one mouth, in case that part wasn't clear!), we do know that healthy eating does require more planning and preparation than stuff out of a box. Over the past five years we've experimented with grinding our own wheat and making homemade bread, eating a vegetarian diet, low carb eating, and then relapsing into good old southern cuisine such as chicken pie and grits. Okay, here's where I switch over to first person singular (see what I mean about the grammar preoccupation? I must be a homeschool mom...). My plan/goal for this particular blog is simply to share what we've learned, and continue to learn, on this food journey. I have chosen to call this blog Paleo Shmaleo because while we've recently embarked on eating a paleolithic diet, we are not strictly adhering to it. For one thing, we love peanut butter. For another thing, my husband is a died-in-the-wool southerner, he's got to have his pinto beans. Also, dairy has been our go-to food group for the past five years, especially when my son is hungry, yet can't have carbs because of a high blood sugar. It's called string cheese, people. I have posted on Facebook a bunch of paleo recipes fairly recently, always with huge interest on the part of my Facebook friends, so I sort of feel like this blog has been created with this interest in mind. Not that there aren't a gazillion blogs out there about paleo, with so many amazing recipes you could spend all day perusing. But I would like to share about how we've approached this, how it relates to diabetes, what cost might look like, with the hope that my readers will find their own personal way of adopting healthy eating that is easy on mind, body, and wallet. In my next post I will give you the low-down on how my pantry has changed, so stay tuned. For now, it's off to cook this amazing dish:
Thai green curry
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